Thursday, November 25, 2010


We noticed as we looked at our route while heading to Maine that we were close to Kennbunkport too, so we headed East of the Interstate and headed down Route 9. Following a BEACH sign we found the most awesome area! A family was playing soccer on the wonderful!!...Shiloh was very excited to get out and take a stroll on the beach to with her Master...I shot pictures, of course! We realized after we left the area that the Bushs' Compound was up the coastal road on the next cove jutting we are thinking that I did get a picure of it, just from a long distance! I can dream!

The Village of Kennbunk is so cool! We have seen so many perfect New England towns while here, this one did not let us down; straight from Hallmark!
I am a LOVER of the most the flag on a garage was perfect photo shot for this Patriot Family.
We had to head up farther north to Portland Maine so we headed out on the Route 9 to that destination...we REALLY want to come back to this area to vacation in the summer in the future. We are HOOKED!! Maine Rocks! Seasalt Blessings!! Kari

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